Sometimes I think I will never get out of "this". And I think that I would "be back" only If I could go to my country... Because I know how to take care of my healthy in there, where to go, what to do... In here I feel so stuck ! Because of the places I haven't gone and because of the bills and I would certainly get. There's no fun on it. No fun in being sick. I feel losing so much time! The "papers" say "you are fine" but I don't feel like ! (So I pray) Maybe all I need is just a little...
First of all, If you are a sweetheart person, in about half hour your life is gonna change completely. Second of all, I'm not activist, I don't belong to any ".org" and no, I don't think I'm gonna change the world. By myself. But I do believe:
world peace (someday)
in the power of a media called INTERNET !
So, watch this video:
***** From 06:22 / 29:59 to 07:28 / 29:59 Jacob's speech BROKED my heart simply !!! *****
So, 2 things Jacob and I have in common:
We wish not live in this miserable world sometimes;
We do believe in heaven;
If it's EVERYTHING is true in this video only God knows ! but I just feel giving my very modest contribution of sharing in here, in my panda blog. (By the way, thank you guys for 2.085 pageviews ;-)
Sharing this video with as much people as I can, with friends, and with friends of friends we can support them on their blogs or Facebook. If nothing changes, nothing happens we are good too... actually we usually share so many stupid things, or things with much less importance than this so it's not gonna be a big deal, right?
So, our mission is:
Make those kids VISIBLE
Make Kony 2012 a "FAMOUS" monster person
*** Please leave your commentary below or email me, let's talk about it !