Thursday, February 23, 2012

Update !

Hey guys! my gadget "ABOUT ME", (left side of this page) have changed.
I think my information it's faster and simpler like that.
Hope you guys like it ! 


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"...Sexy is not the same as beautiful"


Making a collage inside of my room...

J.LO: " I'm down Pagodinho! "

I swear to God ! I have watched this video 100,000 times and I don't get sick of it !!! hahaha

Americans trying to speak into portuguese is the cutest thing ever to me!

The class: 

1st word: "ZI - RI - GUI - DUM"
(WTF JLo???) 

"PI - RI - GUE - TE" 

"PO - PO - ZU - DA" 

How my GF's carnival looks like...

And ....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to shoot yourself in the foot in Valentine's Day

Today I'm gonna teach you how to shoot yourself in the foot in ONLY 2 STEPS 
for Valentine's Day ! (yaaaay)

Step 1) Go to a game store !!!
Step 2) ASK and f*cking PAY for that :

$ 65 bucks !!! really ???

Here-we-go ! 
Now you (officially) do NOT have a boyfriend anymore !
Easy huh, piggy ?!?!?!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


(Excuse me?)

My boyfriend sent me a msg: "('it's your) blogging time!!!" 
I said: "Not really, I'm just browsing". 
And then he: " :-/ I don't have new post to read" ...


'CAUSE I fuigiuhvoigjvfogjbifugh YOU LIKE DIS !



hehehe... just kiddin'
You still love me ????

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nina's weekends...

I try to get up so many times but the bed keeps tricking me !!! 

0:22/1:21 - OMG, do I really need to wake up?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nina + Tiny Tunes = CLOSE ENOUGH ! hahahah

"People I Would F***" - THE EXPLANATION


After a bunch of negative feedback about my bad choices (maybe not) in the video "People I Would F***" (click here to watch if you haven't: Then YES! I can explain:

My choices basically were not based in beauty or how attractive they are. NO. It's more about "I do because I do. Or I do because I can. Or both". So, I would BANG ____________ because:

Kevin Sherard - because "that's why..." (that simple) 

Barack Obama - powerful, intelligent... I'm like zombies: I LOVE people's brains

Jesse Pinkman - because he adds BITCH in the end of every sentence, often for no reason... BITCH

Sparkling Edward Cullen - because I LOVE sparkling things! sparkling dress, sparkling shoes, sparkling jewerly... why not a sparkling guy ??? sounds fuckin' AWESOME to me !

Robert Pattinson - hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! hot ! BUUUT not more than Kevin Sherard. (Hi?)

Cedric Diggory - Robert Pattinson + Harry Potter movie, how perfect does it sound for you? it's just like a double **gasm (or kind of...)

Tomb Raider - I would do her since I got my first Playstation so...! (She's probably old now)

Jenna Marbles - because she's my favorite slut ! the funniest and craziest EVER. Just love her 'cause when I'm sad she garantees my laugh.

Amelie Poulin - because (believe or not) we have a LOT in common. +1 she speaks french, SWEET !!!

Myself - because... uhhh... maybe because... uhhh... (why???)

Angel Baby - because she/he is a fuckin' crazy mexican bitch who makes me "LOL"

Kinglesleybitch - Hilarious, gay, BLOGGER!... love him. Laugh garanteed.

Amy Winehouse - because I feel bad for Amy. Everytime I listen to her I feel taking her home and taking care of her. I love my trouble girl. Oh wait...! she's dead 

Pikachu -This guy can store electricity in its cheeks so imagine how INTERESTING could be that ! "- Pikachu ! THUNDERBOOOOOLT !!!" Ohhhhhhhh hahahahahhahahhahahahahahha

Ash - I used to have a crash on him when I was little. How old is he nowadays? 'cause I'm a kind grow girl now and we can possibly... marry?! 

Che Guevara - because he's wild (look at this beard!). But he's comunist though... I'm not attracted to communists dudes. NEXT !

Clint Eastwood - hot ! (30 years ago.)

Pauly D - because I have met him in person and he's a better different person than he looks in Jersey Shore. I'd totally do this DOUCHEBAG in "real life". 

Geeks - I wouldn't do any geek on purpose BUT it just happens to me! I never had a not geek BF in my whole life. (What's wrong with me? Where's my God now?????)

Justin Bieber - because he's "aaaawwwwwww". 18 already? If yes, call me... (Can I go to the jail for this???)

Rihanna - because she's the sexiest black chick I know. She's my mocha chocolatta wh*re.

Ken - Like a girl I wanted to be barbie. So imagine how many times I have pretended I made out Ken (...?) But I'm out of this now. Maybe not. 

Robert De Niro - because he's like 80 years old guy and he's still handsome, or better... Just like wines!

Danny Noriega - because he's blogger, boy and girl (in the same time), singer, fuckin' funny, lives in Hollywood and don't have any talent. 

Severo Snape - Bad teachers are sexy! but maybe I wouldn't do Snape for real. His hair is always dirty, gross... I TOTALLY would do Malfoy's dad instead ! 

Constantino JR. - my ex boss and I SWEAR TO GOD I never thought about it during working for him hahaha! Professionalism is my last name but NOW it wouldn't be wrong, or very wrong, maybe only half wrong.... OMG, I'm confused

UPS Guy - Maaan ! I get so happy when I see UPS guy at my door with a box named ANA MORAES !!! I feel crying of emotion "- yaaay! thanks for coming, com'on in!!!"

Wolverine - "Bad face" dudes inspire me sometimes.. RAWRRRRRR !!! (He works oooout!!! hahahahahah)

So yeah, this is it.
It did sound too crazy: (  ) yes or (  ) certainly ?