Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heeey !!! I Just Got A New Laptop !!!! :D

Like I said couple of posts ago my laptop has been stolen from my bf's car while we were having couple of drinks with some friends in Capitol Hill...

Guess what ??? 


Please, just don't fap to my private pictures, thank you.

Monday, August 6, 2012


WHO NEVER ??????

"My boyfriend does my makeup tag" - THE CHALLENGE

Well, I just watched a J. Marbles' video named "Boyfriend does my makeup tag
and then I thought:
why not? Let's do that !!!

It could be fun... or creepy. Who cares? 
So, yeah, I would love to test my boyfriend's makeup skills (none).
My bud, Professional Russian, will help me to encourage him:

Sooooooo, what you say amor ? :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My computer was stolen & I'm dead

My computer has been stolen last Friday. My life is over.

Well, I didn't get shot but I don't live without my computer, pictures, videos, documents, porn...

(There you go ! I see you asking my bf if I watch porn for real...) 



My computer has been stolen in Seattle DT and I'm so desapointed at it because that's the second time it happens. Hello?!? I'm from Sao Paulo !!! I mean, as everyone knows, it's crazy and dangerous down there and I have never been stolen in there, so it's very frustrating...

"Nina, what a dumb you are, 
why did you leave your laptop in the car?"
BECAUSE I was leaving for the weekend and I HAD to take the laptop with me. But before I stopped for some drinks in a bar for a birthday celebration. IT WAS THE MOST F*CKING EXPENSIVE F*CKING DRINK OF MY F*CKING LIFE !

I'm blogging from my host family's computer which it's not working very well (the speakers are not "speaking", how great is that? #Not) and as you know (maybe not) I'm a super duper addicted to blogs and VLOGS! (musical, TV shows, reality shows, pole dancing tutorial, beauty/hair/fashion tutorial...!!!) Now think how my life is gonna be with those mute speakers. Drop dead !!!

"Nina, why don't you buy a new laptop and shut the f** up?!?!?!"
BECAUSE (I should not say that but) I bought some topaz stone and diamonds jewelry very recently. And I bought few more dresses. And some new shoes. And a new perfum (...)


NOPE, because I'm a consumist dumbass 

WELL, I wasn't needing 'em but I was feeling homesick and then 
1) Purchasing 
2) tracking the order
3) wait for UPS delivery is an amazing distraction!

 Quick happiness in 3 steps, I guarantee!!

Now I'm fucked and I can't buy a new laptop, but that's ok tho... 
I'm broke but I'm fancy !!! LOL *** Drake upvoted that

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Don't worry about it" kills me.

I'm seriously thinking of changing this blog's name from "Pandaland" to "Mean Girl". BECAUSE I love to argue share what pisses me off over here. I mean, I don't feel filling my friends' heads with my small frustrations on the phone... 

So! Basically 3 things get me R-E-A-L-L-Y mad:

1) Confident pedestrians (those ones who jump in front of your car)
2) "Desperate" girls/guys 
3) People who stop on the yellow light

Darling, If you are one of them:
There's a deluxe place in the HELL for you!!!

And the last but not least, when somebody tells me "Don't worry about it"...


Theres nothing (in this Galaxy) more frustrating than when you ask for answers/ prospective/ plan and someone says  "Don't worry about it" ... I feel like only "boobies" because is the most generic and unspecific answer I can have it.
I feel punching someone in the face when they ask me for not get worried... what does "do not worry" mean???? Does it mean "YES"? or means "NO"? 

Fill the blanks with "don't worry about it" and see what kind of frustrating shit you are gonna get:
a) What are we gonna do?                                   . 
b) Do you have a plan?                                   .
c) How about that?                                    .
d) WTF.... ???                                   . 

(  ) Trying to fool me
(  ) DO NOT have a plan
(  ) Already think I'm an idiot
(  ) all of them

Maybe GIRLS* should adopt that too:
- Did you crash my car???  "don't worry about it" 
- Do you have HIV???  "don't worry about it"  
- Are you pregnant????  "don't worry about it" 
- Did you miss any birth control????  "don't worry about it" 
- A 100.000 expense in my credit card???  "don't worry about it" 

Fair enough.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Celebrities without makeup - Part 1

Arggh !!! I guess we are back to the "celebrities with no make up on" track...

What is the same as say:
 " hey world, I look like a f*cking alien with no make up on ". 
(What is NOT my case... hahahahhaahahhah)


Now, take a look at this flawless team of gorgeous celebrities (not) without make up

EDIT1: Maybe I would do Kim Kardashian still... I can get a sexual disease tho... Never mind.
EDIT2: Idk, but Snooki seems better without make up to me... except for the duckface.

So, The last one is the actress (what's her name? what movie? how many Oscars????) who brought "no makeup style" back:

 "I woke up this morning and decided I'm over Hollywood's perfection requirement. To all my girls (and boys) who have ever been embarrassed by their skin! I salute you! I'm not perfect - and that's okay wi" 

**** Proactiv Solutions downvoted it

(next post " I " am going to show the world how f*cking weirdo I am without makeup)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Marylin Monroe Feelings

'cause I'm having Marylin Monroe's symptoms !!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

- YES, M'AM ?

****SERIOUSLY: He should be sorry about it... Not fair CeeLo. Time out for you, man!
This watch is an INSULT !!!! hahaha

Saturday, April 28, 2012