Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My 1st episode of Walking Dead...

The beginning - first 10min: 
Two cops/sheriffs in the car are talking about life " - what's the difference between women and men?", " -  Is this a joke???", " - No", " - Women are not able to turn off the lights when they leave"

(Yes, it's a joke! it has to be... )

Seriously!?! it was the DUMBEST male speech that I've heard in my whole life. I mean, we have so many REVELANT differences/things that piss the guys off and then they bring this up: "women are bad guys 'cause they leave lights on and men are super heroes 'cause they turn them off!!!". 

* RELEVANT: "You turn a light off like nobody else, wow! such a super power, huh? I'm jelous"
** RELEVANT: "Babe, I forgot the lights on in the bathroom again, could you do this for me, please? Oh! and try not peeing on the floor next time, Thank youuu!!! Wife". 

(-)1 for poor dialogue. 

Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff, Yucky stuff...

*** RELEVANT: I was eating a turkey sandwich the same time. 

+ 1 for the horse

Seriously... I started to have fun 10 min before to be done...
I only one thing to say... "I miss you, Mr. White".

Thursday, December 22, 2011

All about me...

I'm a such bad liar.
The worst one I ever have known.

****** It doesn't supposed to be a love letter or a romantic feeling exposed, ok? but I'm gonna talk about my boyfriend and I. (I hate to talk about us in "public") anyways...******

Sometimes I say something like that: "I don't want to go / to be with you", "Could you take me home?", but I'm f*cking lieing. Why I do that? Just because it sounds good in time or it's the right decision BUT it's not what I wanna do. I wanna f*cking leave my house, to go somewhere else AND the most important: I wanna to be with HIM - wherever, whenever, whatever!

***** I spend my all day long locked in a house, under a heater, no fresh air, no distractions at all, no coworkers / adults to talk to, no fun conversation at the coffee machine place and I cook to myself every f*cking day, It's pisses me off, I cannot have my own food for next 50 years. *******

And then I hear my own voice saying BS and I think "WTF is wrong with me? Seriously Nina???" It's pretty hard to believe in me, I can tell. But I always try to make my boyfriend believe that I'm enjoying myself "Oh yes babe, I'm having a great time all alone, woohoo, awesome" - F*CK NO!!! - "I want come over / stay with you b*tch! cuddle, sleep together tonight, tomorrow, forever...". Damn,  I'm so f*cking in love... hahahaha

******* I know he follows my blog - what's sucks LOL - but , I hope he's busy playing video games and don't see that. Let's pray... ********

He says I'm crazy but I don't see that, do you?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My apologies...

I would like to apologize about my last post "I would start a Revolution for that", because I think it was a mistake misunderstanding to talk about 3K's (Ku Klux Klan) without a explanation. My bad !

I was NOT referring to those f...reaki guys that believe in white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration: (really dude???)


I was talking about that: Kinder, Kuche, Kirche, what means: "children, kitchen, church" ...
I would add a "J" for JOB and voila !
This is like my mom's style... and sounds pretty good to me :-)

How I figured my misteake out:

My boyfriend called me crazy for that! And I was like "excuse me?". He reminded me about the bad version of KKK... I was like "OMG! I'm sorry!!!"
He laughed at me 'cause he knows me, right? He knows I'm not a bad person (bitch) so he knows it was innocent mistake. And I got so embarrassed that I decided to give my public apolodies.

"that's why..." :-)


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Russia VS Brazil

And yooou are gonna say "what a drama! it's only ONE access from Russia more than Brazil" but - excuse meee - Brazil is my home country and thiiiis it's unacceptable.
Shame on you Brazil... Russia love me more than you...

- I'm sad...

- NO, I'M NOT. I'm joking


"What girls do when they're drunk" - by Jenna

Today, early morning...

I have checked my feed of "Instagram", but nooow I'm kind pissed because I can't find the first picture that made my day:

"When you find the right one, you'll know because that love will make you want to call up your ex and thank his/her for letting you go..."

I closed the app immediately! Too much information by morning hahahaha
but I could feel my facial muscle turning into a smile.....
a secret one.

"...she smiles the secret smile because she knows exactly how to carry on..."- Sheryl Crowl

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kind inappropriate but it's so true, I mean, funny that I HAD TO...


" - High 5 bro !!! "

Russian as a fourth language...


Result of my search:

Google, you are doing it... wrong?

Worries of an expensive kitty...


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Amy Winehouse

Her dad and I think she's fine... 
- Nina, she's dead.

"The posthumous album by Amy Winehouse, the Brit enfant terrible/singer recently deceased, was released today. It includes her version for the Bossa Nova classic “Garota de Ipanema”, performed in Miami in 2002, when she was 18." - http://deepbrazil.com/blog/

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kid, you don't need a girlfriend...

Sometimes, when I am blogging...


Happy Weird Day !

Before all: Adele (one of my favorite singers) cheated betrayed me today! Anyways...

I'm gonna tell you guys how my day was... "BIZARRE" - that's the best word I have found.
I just woke up in the morning with a blank mind. I had no thoughts in my mind all day long... good ones or bad ones... I was thoughtless. Empty.
I didn't feel bad tough. Actually I didn't feel anything. Today I had no feelings at all! Like... dead.

For the first time (in half year) it happened to me today. It's funny 'cause of THIS - I felt myself "single". Not lonely, not avaiable! Just "single".

I guess it's because my single life used to be like this before I have found my boyfriend (best friend, partner...) So, I used to wake up in the morning, have fun with kids (my job), do routine stuff, you know? go to the gym and done. I didn't used to call friends because I didn't used to have good ones - LOL.
So, nothing/nobody to think about. No "whys", no drama, no worries... That is NOT what I want it! I don't miss a zombie life, with no feelings, no LOVE...
I wasn't happy, I wasn't down tough. I was straight, head up, doing my job... operationally focused.

I have called my girlfriend and then - "thank God" - she haven't picked the phone. I wasn't feeling to talk to her for real. I would be really short. I didn't feel talking to A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y. I just said "Hi" to employee at gym and that was my all dialogue... all day long.

Couple of hours ago I talked to a friend (I finally did) but I was still feeling numb. And then I came home to write about it and I turned the radio on and Adele was singing "The One and Only"... God!... I melted in time,  yes, I cried and - for awhile - I truly hated myself !
Well... "Nobody's perfect..." - Adele

Good night !

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"I want to belong here, but something feel so wrong here, so I pray..."

As vezes eu penso que sou muito careta pra viver num pais como a America. Closed mind, eh assim que eles (me) chamam.  E eu sou assim por causa de todos os meus credos, religiao ou simplesmente, por ter uma cultura diferente - nem melhor, nem pior, apenas...

Infelizmente (ou nao), algumas coisas me soam um ABSURDO: 

  • fumar maconha eh normal (jovem, velhos, familias inteiras!!!)
  • pessoas que traem as outras just for fun
  • garotas que dormem com diferentes caras por razao nenhuma - nao eh como "eu durmo com fulano porque estou apaixonada", e sim como "eu durmo com funalo porque nao tenho nada melhor pra fazer". 
Triste !

O "voce colhe o que voce planta" no Brasil, esta para "Explore sua vida ao maximo" na America. Talvez, nos, brasileiros eh que estamos errados... who knows? Vai ver, a vida/o corpo foi feito para ser "explorado", e eu nao estou sabendo - acho que perdi essa passagem da Biblia. 

Nao estou dizendo que sou correta, melhor ou perfeita - longe disso! Estou dizendo que, quase tudo o que aprendi ate hoje, o oposto me eh mostrado / enfiado guela abaixo, diariamente. Eh como se voce acordasse e alguem te dissesse "sabe tudo isso que voce aprendeu durante toda a sua vida? entao, esta errado". Desculpe mas, 24 anos eh muito tempo. Principalmente para mim que sou uma pessoa que tem dificuldade de esquecer. Eu deveria seguir o conselho "A felicidade nada mais eh do que uma boa saude e memoria fraca" mas nao... ate porque, esquecer o que eu aprendi significa esquecer os meus pais, e, isso...? Jamais.

Primeiro, eu abro mao de qualquer coisa pra continuar a ser quem eu sou, acreditando nas coisas que acredito e dormindo bem comigo mesma.

Segundo, eu nao faria nada que eu nao pudesse contar para os meus pais - eu penso que, se voce faz a coisa certa nao ha problema algum em contar, certo? Certo ou errado, eu nao me sinto bem fazendo algo que desagradaria os meus pais. Nao eh tipo "Eu sou a Sandy", eh tipo "Oi? familia eh tudo" - e respeito eh menos que obrigacao.

Prazer/desculpa, esta sou. 
Boa noite.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Play with me ?! ... pleeeeease ?!?!?

What time is it ??? ....


Aloha guys !!! Back from Hawaii....

Wow. The popularity of my blog went down last week. It's just because I went on a trip to Hawaii and then "I dont feel posting anything because..." 

Nice !
Actually I didn't write anything 'cause you know? I was kind busy LIVING... eventually, life is that thing what happens when you are writing/reading blogs... Anyways !!!! I have been in amazing places, beaches, restaurants... so I have got "a couple" of good pictures (NOT) around Honolulu Island:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey buddy ....

I mean ...

Opportunity of being quiet...

Sometimes I just bring somebody's stuff to my blog and I am done. It's just because sometimes it's not that simple to say what I really would like to say. I don't feel I am hiding myself or i am being unfair with my readers...not at all! I just feel that "the crime doesn't worth", It means,I am not gonna start a drama / war / or whatever for nothing (I said "nothing"?!?) I have looots of things to say - of course - but not everything is fun ! So I usually write a huuuge text and then I stop: [PUBLISH POST] (   ) YES or (  ) NO?. The NO very often wins 'cause I am that kind of person that doesn't miss the opportunity of being quiet hahahaha - I never miss it, I enjoy it : ) 


I do what I want. NO. I do what's better for everyone.